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This site has been created by PrymApps DOO Skopje in order to present its products and services. PrymApps is the sole owner of this website, including text, images, graphics and videos and of all copyright, trade secret, patent, trademark and other intellectual property rights therein. PrymApps has full rights to change, update or delete this site completely or partially, as well as to suspend it temporarily or permanently, without any given notice prior the actions. In no event shall PrymApps be liable for consequences toward third parties resulting from these actions.
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Before any publishing on the site, the contents are reviewed for consistency. We do our best efforts for the contents to be always aligned with their intended purpose, nevertheless, we do not hold any liability towards their accuracy, precision, completeness or up to date information. PrymApps shall not be held liable or responsible for any direct or indirect damage resulting from the usage of this web site.
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